Certification Page Settings

This page lets you set up your certification profile page.

Your profile is currently visible.

Share this link to show off your certificates:

Don't want your profile to be publicly visible? Click "Unpublish Profile" button and we'll prevent people from seeing it.

Unpublish Profile

Your profile is currently NOT visible.

Want to publish your profile so that you can share it with others? Click the "Publish Profile".

Publish Profile

You must set up your contact information below before making your profile public.

Publish Profile

Get Enrollment Updates

Click the "Get Updated Enrollments" button to get the latest information on your 360 Wellness Education course enroll statuses.

Get Updated Enrollments

No current enrollments

You do not currently have any 360 Wellness Education course enrollments associated with this account. If you have enrolled in 360 Wellness Education courses, then click the "Get Updated Enrollments" to manually update your profile.

360 Enrollments

Below are all of the 360 Wellness Education courses that you are enrolled in (using the same email) on the 360 Wellness Education Learning Network. All courses that have 100% completion will appear on your public profile and you will be awarded a 360-Certified badge.

Course Percent Complete

Uco Enrollments

Below are all of the 360 Wellness Education courses that you are enrolled in (using the same email) on the Universal Companies Learning Network. All courses that have 100% completion will appear on your public profile and you will be awarded a 360-Certified badge.

Course Percent Complete

Why am I seeing two sites?

360 Wellness Education courses are available on two platforms: the Universal Companies Learning Network and the 360 Wellness Education Learning Network. We found accounts associated with your email on both platforms, so we are showing all of your current enrollments. Completed courses from both platforms will appear on your public profile.

Setup Contact Information

Set up the contact information that you want to share on your public profile. You must provide a first and last name before publishing your profile.

First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Phone Number
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Update Contact Info

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