Business Start-Up, Growth, & Development Workshops

Necessary resources for start-ups, new and existing businesses to maximize success

Gain valuable insight, advice, and templates to jumpstart business growth

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Content Breakdown

There are two types of workshops: the Business Start-up Simplified Workshops and the Business Growth & Development Workshops.

The Business Start-up Simplified Workshops

The Conception Series

  • Crystalize Your Goals and Vision with Planning
  • Cultivate a Relevant, Competitive, and Profitable Service Menu
  • Develop a Feasible, Comprehensive, and Measurable Financial Forecast

The Launch Series

  • Optimize Product and Equipment Mix
  • Attract Talented Client-Centric Team
  • Marketing Creates Demand and Awareness

The Business Growth & Development Workshops

The Growth Series

  • Cultivate a Loyal Champion Client Base
  • Strengthen and Optimize Your Financials for Profitability
  • Optimize Service Mix to Maximize Wealth

The Development Series

  • Elevate Business: Earn More! Work Smart!
  • Master Retailing for Client Care and Profitability
  • Strengthen Business: Meet & Exceed Clients' Needs

Scroll down to read more details on each of these workshop topics!

The Business Start-up Simplified Workshop

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The Business Start-up Simplified Workshops are an essential resource that streamlines the process for individuals starting a new business. The workshops provide valuable insight, advice, and templates, to create a roadmap for a successful business launch.

Developed by serial entrepreneur Lori Vargas who is experienced in launching and growing businesses within the beauty, spa, and wellness industry.

  • Save time and money by avoiding common start-up business mistakes.

  • Gain independence and enjoy the freedom of being your own boss!

  • Gain confidence and become decisive about the ideal way to proceed with your business.

Earn Certificates, Badges, and CEUs.

Business Start-up Simplified: The Conception Series

Objective: The Conception Series provides guidance and tools to support the concept to launch planning stages. Evolve your business concept, endless thoughts, and conversations into actionable plans. The Conception Series provides a structure that organizes and evaluates the feasibility of your business concept. The feasibility step is critical in providing an educated decision determining the fate and next step whether to Go, Rework, or No-Go. The Conception Series lays out an easy-to-follow approach to crystalizing your concept, establishing a basic business planning checklist, cultivating a relevant service menu structure, and developing a feasible financial forecast.

Topic 1: Crystalize Your Goals and Vision with Planning

Goals! Plan! Progress! Discover how to evolve your business dreams and concepts into a crystal-clear vision statement and establish your points of differentiation. Customize a business planning checklist to align your goals and allow you to establish an actionable plan!

Deliverable(s): Vision Statement Template and Basic Business Planning Checklist

Topic 2: Cultivate a Relevant, Competitive, and Profitable Service Menu

Relevant! Competitive! Profitable! Develop a relevant, profitable service menu that aligns with your vision.

Deliverable(s): Service Menu Template

Topic 3: Develop a Feasible, Comprehensive, and Measurable Financial Forecast

Feasible! Comprehensive! Measurable! Develop a comprehensive financial forecast to project future revenue and expenses to evaluate financial feasibility to make an informed decision. Gain an understanding of key financial drivers that maximize revenues and minimize expenses. Learn critical Key Performance Indicators to measure financial performance.

Deliverable(s): Financial Forecast with Key Drivers and Key Performance Indicators Templates

Business Start-up Simplified: The Launch Series

Objective:The Launch Series provides guidance and tools to support the concept to launch preparation stages. Learn how to establish an optimal product/equipment mix to support the service menu. Gain an understanding of cultivating a talented client-centric team that is fairly compensated. Create brand awareness and excitement during pre-opening to have a busy launch week.

Topic 1: Optimize Product and Equipment Mix

Research! Train! Integrate! Determine the critical evaluation steps in product and equipment selection. Establish an opening order for equipment, products, and supplies to support the vision and service menu. Create a retail boutique with a proper product mix to support and integrate with the service offerings. Understand how to phase purchase and establish budgets to support business growth.

Deliverable(s): Basic Treatment Room Opening Order

Topic 2: Attract Talented Client-Centric Team

Recruit! Train! Bond! Learn how to strategically attract and retain a well-trained, talented staff that effectively grows your business. Establish a structure that supports training with defined protocols. Identify what will be the best compensation plan.

Deliverable(s): Staff Description and Compensation Guidelines

Topic 3: Marketing Creates Demand and Awareness

Target! Market! Sell! Determine your target audience’s demographic to ensure the concept and service menu supports their demand. Learn how to target market your potential clients with effective methods. Convert the prospects and get the clients through the door.

Deliverable(s): 5 Steps to Effective Marketing Guide

The Business Growth & Development Workshop

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The Business Growth & Development Workshops are an essential resource for existing businesses and business start-ups to maximize growth and wealth. The workshops provide valuable insight, advice, and templates to create guidelines on how to grow the business effectively and efficiently with a focus on increasing profits and client base.

Earn Certificates, Badges. and CEUs.

Business Growth & Development Workshop: The Growth Series

Objective:The Growth Series provides guidance and tools to cultivate business growth through the mastery of client and financial management. Learn how to expand your client base while maximizing your financial wealth with focused methods. The Growth Series lays out a communication plan to best serve the clients, financial key performance indicators to keep focused, and an effective service level review on pricing strategy and profitability.

Topic 1: Cultivate a Loyal Championing Client Base

Client-centric! Relationships!  Communications! Create a strategy and a business culture that focuses on providing the best experience for the client. Focus on active listening skills to provide a customizable and anticipatory experience with proper retail strategies. Learn guiding principles to aid in building strong client relationships.

Deliverable(s): Communication Guidelines

Topic 2: Strengthen and Optimize Your Financials for Profitability

Simplify! Optimize! Profitable! Optimize your money flow with a simplified financial plan and better understand the drivers you can influence. Learn how to maximize your revenues and minimize your expenses. The ability to evaluate each treatment and determine its profitability will be explored. Grow your business with financial strength. Analyze company financials with ease!

Deliverable(s): Key Performance Indicators Template

Topic 3: Optimize Service Mix to Maximize Wealth

Services! Strategy! Profitability!  Menu Management provides key understandings of managing your business with menu engineering, pricing strategy, financial review, and target methods. Learn how to develop a balanced service mix with strategy and purpose.

Deliverable(s): Menu Engineering Template

Business Growth & Development Workshop: The Development Series

Objective: The Development Series provides guidance and tools to cultivate business development by vigorously reviewing current practices and establishing new approaches to achieve peak performance. Learn best practices that allow everyone to earn more while working smarter with an empowering approach. Capitalize on high-margin retail sales while serving the best interest of the clients.

Topic 1: Elevate Business: Earn More! Work Smart! 

Earn More! Work Smart! Power of You! Understanding how to earn more and work smart while doubling your earnings. Employ methods and scripts to optimize your business and maximize your wealth. Learn about enhancing the experience, increasing average spend, and growing your clientele.

Deliverable(s): Team Impact Template, Enhancement Menu Template

Topic 2: Master Retailing for Client Care and Profitability

Convenience! Credibility! Profitability! Selling retail is a vital part of the client spa experience and the opportunity for service providers to build credibility while providing convenience for the clients. Retail aids clients in achieving and maintaining their goals and helps the spa increase its bottom line. Learn the value of service product integration with retail products.

Deliverable(s): 5 Effective Sales Guidelines, Key Performance Metrics

Topic 3: Strengthen Business: Meet & Exceed Clients' Needs

Optimize! Strengthen! Elevate! A critical review of the gaps in the service menu and product mix based on the demands of the clients will yield opportunities for change. Learn to use basic metrics to manage the business to success. Ensure you are selling through to increase your client's average spend.

Deliverable(s): Gap Analysis Template, Key Performance Metrics

About the Educator

Lori Vargas, MBA

“Learn Success with a step-by-step process from Business Conception to Business Explosion!”

Lori Vargas simplifies the start-up process and guides you from concept to launch day! She is a serial entrepreneur and took her spa to 4 locations within 5 years while adding a massage school. The experience of owning and operating an explosive growth and remaining relevant for 20 years with her spas allows her to guide you in on growing and developing your business and getting to the next level. Over the past 10 years, she has assisted over 100 businesses with launches and developments.

“The groundwork of the workshops is the culmination of my experience over my career. The strength of the business workshops draws from my 10+ years of experience in corporate strategy and business development areas of Fortune 500 corporations and my advanced degrees, CPA, and an MBA from The University of Chicago with a focus on entrepreneurship, strategic management, and international business. Combined with 20+ years of experience training spa staff as an owner and operator of multiple spas. Along with my spa consulting experience, I have been challenged within the industry to find solutions for pain points for clients and allow them to break through and maximize their true potential.”

As a Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Health Coach, Adjunct Professor, Financial Advisor, and Ironman Triathlete; “I believe the importance of educating is critical for establishing strength within the spa industry.”