Automatic Enrollment Guide - Schools

This page includes a guide and helpful information on setting up enrollment with 360 Wellness Education online courses.

Note: This guide assumes that purchases are being made through Shopify. However, setup is similar across other sales channels. If assistance is needed, please reach out the 360 Wellness Education.

Following this guide, you will be able to setup your Shopify products so that a person will automatically be enrolled in an associated 360 Wellness Education course upon purchase.

Shopify Product Setup

For each Shopify product that will have an associated course enrollment, apply a unique SKU.

For non-Shopify storefronts, use the store's interface to apply a unique SKU.

360 Wellness Education Portal Setup

Make sure that you are logged into an account for the 360 Wellness Education Portal and have been granted proper access by the 360 Wellness Education team. You should see the following four pages available to you:
- School Account
- Enrollment Skus
- Enrollment History
- Manual Enrollment
You can find these pages on either the portal's navigation bar or your dashboard.

Navigate to the Enrollment Skus page and you will see a table of your school's current catalog of courses and associated SKUs (this column will be empty if you haven't done this before). Use the interface below the table to connect the Shopify product SKU with the 360 online course.

Important: This course-SKU association is what determines which course a purchaser will be automatically enrolled in. Please take a moment to make sure that the table is correct.

Zapier Setup

To interface with 360 Wellness Education's automatic enrollment, it is recommended that you use Zapier. This is a third-party app that will connect to your Shopify and the 360 Wellness Education functionality.
Note: you will need to subscribe the Starter plan to connect Shopify.
Once you have your account ready, go to "Apps" and connect your Shopify account.
Next, click "Create Zap"

Next, click "Trigger" and select "Shopify."

Click "Continue" and choose your linked Shopify account. Click "Continue" again.

Next, it will ask you to "Test" your trigger. If there have already been purchases made through this Shopify, you may click "Test Trigger" and proceed.
If not, you will need to complete an order first. A simple way to do this is to temporarily set the price of one of your products to $0 and make the "purchase" yourself (because the price is $0, you will not need to input payment info). Once you have completed the purchase, you may now click "Test Trigger."

Select the record that has appeared and click "Continue with selected record."

Next, select the action "Webhooks by Zapier."

Choose the "POST" event.

Enter the following information:
- URL:
- Payload Type: json
- Data:

You can find "Your Enrollment Key" on your School Account page. Copy the key that gets generated on that page into the "user_key" field. This is a private key and should NOT be shared with anyone outside of your team and 360 Wellness Education. If you feel like your key has been compromised, please reach out to 360 Wellness Education.

Leave the remaining fields default.

Click "Continue" and then "Test Step." This should result in a Success.

Next, click "Publish."

Congratulations! You have completed setup with Zapier.
Note: This is the ONLY "zap" that you need to create. Even if you create future products that require automatic enrollment, you will not need to perform these steps again.

Other Tools

The 360 Wellness Education Portal also provides additional tools to help incorporate 360 Wellness Education online courses with into your offerings.

Manual Enrollment

The Manual Enrollment page lets you use your school's enrollment inventory to directly enroll a student in a course using their email. Once enrolled, the student will be automatically enrolled in the course and emailed with information on how to access the course.

Enrollment Check

The Enrollment Check page lets you check if an attendee has already been enrolled in a 360 Wellness Education online course.

This page can be used to help verify whether or not an attendee was properly enrolled.

Enrollment History

The Enrollment History page lets you view your school's enrollment information. It shows the following two tables:

Enrollment Inventory: The number of enrollments that your school has for each course. These enrollments are used each time an attendee is either (1) automatically enrolled via the Webhook integration above or (2) manually enrolled via the Manual Enrollment page. Once your school runs out of enrollments, attendees will no longer be enrolled in the course until more are purchased.

Enrollment History: The log of enrollments made. This information includes both automatic and manual enrollments. This page can be used to verify where purchased enrollments are being used.